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TDK-Micronas News Archiv

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Micronas Next Generation Application Board will Support Sandis's CompactFlash, MultiMediaCard and Secure Digital Memory Card (0010)

 | Trade News | 0010

SanDisk Corporation (NASDAQ: SNDK) announced today that the Micronas (SWX: MASN; Neuer Markt Frankfurt: MNSN) MAS 3509F digital audio application board will support the SanDisk MultiMediaCard, Secure Digital (SD) Card, and CompactFlash™ (CF™). The board will be used in portable digital audio playback devices, including MP3/AAC players and audio recording systems.

Micronas Introduces First Video Decoder Chip to Unify Worldwide Standards (0005)

 | Trade News | 0005

Micronas has introduced its single-chip, mixed-signal VPX 3226E video decoder for multistandard analog video signals. The device supports virtually every color-decoding standard used worldwide and offers full data broadcast support for Teletext, Intercast, Wavetop, WebTV for Windows, and Electronic Programming Guide Services (EPG).

Kräftiger Gewinnanstieg der Micronas Gruppe (PR16)

 | Ad hoc news | PR16

Die Geschäftsentwicklung der Micronas Gruppe verläuft weiterhin dynamisch. Im ersten Quartal 2000 erreichte der konsolidierte Netto-Umsatz ein Volumen von CHF 106,6 Millionen, verglichen mit CHF 69,4 Millionen in den ersten drei Monaten des Vorjahres. Der Betriebsgewinn (EBIT) erhöhte sich von CHF 4,6 Millionen in der vorjährigen Vergleichsperiode auf CHF 22,3 Millionen per Ende März 2000.

Micronas weiter auf Wachstumskurs (PR15)

 | Ad hoc news | PR15

Die Micronas Gruppe schloss das Geschäftsjahr 1999 ausserordentlich erfolgreich ab. Wie das weltweit in der Produktion von applikationsspezifischen Chip Systemen tätige Unternehmen auf der Bilanzpressekonferenz in Zürich mitteilte, konnten alle relevanten Leistungsdaten und Finanzkennzahlen nachhaltig verbessert werden. Das an der Schweizer Börse und am Frankfurter Neuen Markt notierte Unternehmen erwartet, dass sich der Wachstumsrhythmus der Gruppe im laufenden Jahr fortsetzen wird.

Micronas erfolgreich im Markt (PR14)

 | Ad hoc news | PR14

Die an der Schweizer Börse und am Frankfurter Neuen Markt notierte Micronas Gruppe hat das Geschäftsjahr 1999 erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Der konsolidierte Nettoumsatz erhöhte sich desinvestitionsbereinigt um 28,9 Prozent auf CHF 321.7 Millionen. Der Jahresgewinn beträgt CHF 24,8 Millionen. Im angelaufenen Geschäftsjahr rechnet die Micronas Gruppe mit einer weiteren Steigerung von Umsatz und Ertrag.

Micronas introduces next-generation MP3 decoder (0001)

 | Trade News | 0001

At CeBIT 2000 in Hanover, Germany, Micronas demonstrated its latest generation of MP3 decoders. The MAS 3509F is based on a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture and a DSP (Digital Signal Processor), enabling efficient processing of audio data. It is the successor of the highly successful MAS 3507D with which Micronas reached a worldwide market share of 90 % in 1999.

Micronas introduces modular MP3 application board (0002)

 | Trade News | 0002

Micronas has introduced the application board for its next generation MP3 decoder, the MAS 3509F. The modular board is built to also support the previous generations of Micronas MP3 decoders, enabling users of the previous designs to easily switch to the next generation MP3 chip family.

MP3 in the mobile telephone, MP3 in the car, MP3 everywhere (9915)

 | Trade News | 9915

On the occasion of Comdex '99, the Swiss semiconductor company MICRONAS introduces a number of new audio equipment concepts which are based on its MP3 processor family MAS 35xx. These include MP3-compatible mobile telephones and car radios as well as a new generation of the now familiar mobile flash players which, with the new MICRONAS chip generation, come with integrated download security. With a market share of over 90 % and sales of more than a million ICs, MICRONAS is the world market leader for MP3 decoders for consumer applications.

MICRONAS implements 'Secure MP3' (9916)

 | Trade News | 9916

At Comdex '99, the Swiss semiconductor company MICRONAS presents its future MP3 strategy. The core objective is the implementation of download security concepts conforming to the guidelines of the Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI). The market leader in MP3 decoder technology will achieve this aim through strategic cooperation with internet content providers and the music industry.

Gute Entwicklung der Micronas (PR13)

 | Ad hoc news | PR13

Wie bereits vor Monatsfrist angekündigt, war der Geschäftsverlauf der Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG, Zürich, in den ersten neun Monaten 1999 geprägt durch eine vorteilhafte Entwicklung wichtiger Absatzmärkte und entsprechend starke Nachfrage nach Micronas-Chips.

WorldSpace digital satellite radio goes on the air (9914a)

 | Trade News | 9914a

On October 19, 1999, some nine years after the launch of the WorldSpace project, the era of digital satellite radio dawned in Africa. The entire African continent as well as parts of the Middle East - including many regions which have had no access at all to modern mass media up to now - can be served with information and entertainment broadcasts via the 'AfriStar' satellite. The WorldSpace programs can be received with small, high-tech "transistor radios" for which the Swiss chip manufacturer MICRONAS has developed a receiver chipset.

Technical Information on WorldSpace (9914b)

 | Trade News | 9914b

The WorldSpace system is one of the first commercial digital radio projects to be realized on a large scale. The audio data are coded in the MPEG 2.5/Layer 3 standard which was specially developed for WorldSpace, and are transmitted in compressed form in the L-band (1467...1492 MHz). The up-link is implemented by frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), and the down-link by time-division multiplexing (TDM).

Developers of the MP3 chip awarded innovation prize (9913)

 | Trade News | 9913

Dr. Otto Witte, chip developer at the Freiburg microelectronics company MICRONAS INTERMETALL, and Dipl.-Ing. Martin Dietz of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuitry (IIS-A) in Erlangen have been awarded the Georg-Waeber Prize for Innovation 1998.

Starke Ertragssteigerung bei der Micronas Gruppe (PR10)

 | Ad hoc news | PR10

Die prognostizierten Ertragserwartungen der Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG, Zürich, für das Geschäftsjahr 1999 können dank unerwartet rascher und kräftiger Entwicklung wichtiger Absatzmärkte und starker Nachfrage nach Micronas-Chips deutlich nach oben korrigiert werden.

USB Audio DAC with On-chip DSP (9911)

 | Trade News | 9911

The new USB audio controller from MICRONAS renders the use of sound cards unnecessary in future. Thanks to the integration on the chip of a DSP (96 MIPS, 48 MHz, pipelined), an EEPROM, a digital-to-analog converter, an operation amplifier, and a USB controller, this chip contains all that is required to balance a loudspeaker enclosure and to connect the speakers directly to the PC without a sound card.

MICRONAS presents variable TV chassis concept (9909)

 | Trade News | 9909

On the occasion of IFA '99, the Freiburg chip manufacturer MICRONAS again underlines its competence as a system supplier. "MUSTAFAH" provides equipment manufacturers for the first time with a chassis concept for multistandard television receivers which is geared to production requirements and on the basis of which TV sets can be constructed in a wide spectrum of specifications with optimized features and costs.

Complete systems for consumer electronics (9908)

 | Trade News | 9908

On the occasion of the IFA '99 at Berlin, the chip manufacturer Micronas once again demonstrates its competence as a system supplier. The company offers its customers suitable system proposals or even reference designs already geared to production requirements for all new IC products for video and audio applications. The equipment manufacturers derive benefits from this prior input in the form of lower design costs and a faster time-to-market for their products.

Micronas: Kapitalerhöhung überzeichnet - guter Start am Neuen Markt (PR9)

 | Ad hoc news | PR9

Die im Rahmen einer Kapitalerhöhung zwischen dem 12. und dem 14. Juli erfolgte Plazierung von 500'000 neuen Namenaktien der Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG, Zürich, war ein voller Erfolg. Die Emission wurde deutlich überzeichnet. Entsprechend konnte der Plazierungspreis beim Closing mit einem sehr geringen Abschlag zum gestern um 12.00 Uhr an der Schweizer Börse bezahlten Kurs bei CHF 181,- bzw. Euro 112,70 festgelegt werden.

Micronas auf Kurs (PR7)

 | Ad hoc news | PR7

Im Das Halbjahresergebnis der Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG, Zürich, bestätigt den positiven Trend in der Geschäftsentwicklung. Die Budgetvorgaben wurden erreicht.

New Representative Office in Singapore (9906)

 | Trade News | 9906

MICRONAS, Europe's biggest independent developer and producer of highly integrated mixed-signal ICs, microcontrollers, and Hall-effect sensors for applications in consumer electronics, multimedia, and automotive electronics, open a local Representative Office in Singapore. This office will function as a service hub for a large catchment area: the ASEAN (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand), Taiwan, India, and Australia.

Restrukturierung weitgehend abgeschlossen (PR5)

 | Ad hoc news | PR5

Im Geschäftsjahr 1998 ist es der Micronas Gruppe gelungen, durch eine Neuorientierung die Basis für eine nachhaltig positive Geschäftsentwicklung zu legen. Dies führte zu einer Konzentration auf die zwei Kerngeschäftsbereiche Konsumgüter und Automotive sowie eine gezielte Redimensionierung der Kapazitäten im Bereich Telekommunikation.

Two hundred music tracks on one CD (9904)

 | Trade News | 9904

At CeBIT '99, MICRONAS INTERMETALL presents a new chipset for an audio CD player that can play back MP3-coded CDs, too. This "MP3 chipset", consisting of the signal processor MAS 3507D and the D-A converter IC DAC 3550A, also features inside the now familiar portable MP3 flash players. This makes the MP3 CD player the second audio terminal device in a new generation that is based on the MP3 solution from MICRONAS INTERMETALL.

Universal USB audio back-end (9903)

 | Trade News | 9903

The UAC 3552A is a programmable USB DAC which supports different data rates and audio formats and, in addition to carrying out the digital-to-analog conversion, also performs the baseband processing of the audio signals. This means that a powerful and universal single-chip audio back-end is now available to all manufacturers of PC components which, among other applications, can be used in active loudspeakers, headphones, or interfaces to consumer electronics equipment.

Digital audio from TV set-top box (9902)

 | Trade News | 9902

Hanover, March 18, 1999 - At CeBIT '99, MICRONAS INTERMETALL unveils a new version of its successful multistandard sound processor MSP. In addition to all analog TV audio standards, the IC family MSP 34x8G now also supports the digital interface with digital or hybrid (analog/digital) set-top boxes and TV receivers. MICRONAS INTERMETALL thereby offers equipment manufacturers the possibility of both global and future-oriented system design.

Music and speech packed tight (9901)

 | Trade News | 9901

MICRONAS INTERMETALL presents a new variant of their successful MP3 chipset, consisting of the signal processor MAS 3507D and the D-A converter IC DAC 3550A. This chipset, which forms the heart of the now familiar MP3 players, can now decode speech compression formats, too. Possible applications include special terminal devices for voice recording and playback as well as combination units for playing back compressed music and speech

Micro Value wichtiger Aktionär von Micronas (PR3)

 | Investor News | PR3

Die auf Investitionen in Hightech-Firmen spezialisierte Micro Value AG, Zürich, hat 82'000 Namenaktien der Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG, Zürich, erworben. Dies entspricht einem Stimmrechtsanteil von 5,05 Prozent. Die Titel der Micronas sind an der Schweizer Börse kotiert.

Neupositionierung der Micronas vor dem Abschluss (PR2)

 | Ad hoc news | PR2

Die Massnahmen zur zukunftsorientierten Neupositionierung der Micronas-Gruppe stehen vor dem Abschluss. Im Rahmen der Refokussierung haben Verwaltungsrat und Geschäftsleitung beschlossen, die Mehrheit der auf Produkte für analoge Telefonie spezialisierte Micronas Oy in Espoo (Finnland) rückwirkend per 31. Dezember 1998 an das Management zu veräussern.

Fidelity als Grossaktionär von Micronas (PR1)

 | Investor News | PR1

Die global führende Fondsgesellschaft Fidelity Investments International Ltd. hat dieser Tage 85'300 Namenaktien der Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG, Zürich, erworben. Damit hält Fidelity insgesamt 5,25 Prozent des stimmberechtigten Aktienkapitals von Micronas. Die Titel der Micronas sind an der Schweizer Börse kotiert.

MP3 chip set from MICRONAS INTERMETALL enables novel product concepts in consumer electronics (9810)

 | Trade News | 9810

At Electronica'98 MICRONAS INTERMETALL  presents a chip set that has what it takes to revolutionize the way music is distributed today. The MP3 chipset, consisting of the audio decompression processor MAS 3507D and the D-A converter circuit DAC 3550A, form the heart of the new portable MP3 play-back units which a number of manufacturers are now launching on the market.

Display and Deflection Processor from MICRONAS INTERMETALL processes many picture formats (9807)

 | Trade Show | 9807

At Electronica '98 MICRONAS INTERMETALL presents its new Display and Deflection Processor, the DDP 3310B. In addition to standard TV formats, this mixed-signal IC is also capable of processing video signals from digital sources for displaying on 4:3 and 16:9 television picture tubes. Up to now, three ICs and additional circuitry were required for the capabilities now offered by the DDP 3310B. The new IC is mainly aimed at applications in television receivers with multimedia and Internet compatibility, as well as in projection units.

MICRONAS INTERMETALL graduates from pioneer to all-round supplier of CMOS Hall sensors (9811)

 | Trade News | 9811

At Electronica'98, MICRONAS INTERMETALL  presents the worl's first programmable CMOS Hall sensor with digital signal processing. This new product, bearing the type designation HAL 800, marks the latest pinnacle in a development which also began with a world premiere in 1993 when the first CMOS Hall sensor was launched as a wear-free alternative to mechanical switches.

Technical information on WorldSpace (9806B)

 | Trade News | 9806B

The WorldSpace system is one of the first commercial digital radio projects to be realized on a large scale. The audio data are coded in the MPEG 2.5/Layer 3 standard which was specially developed for WorldSpace, and are transmitted in compressed form in the L-band (1467...1492 MHz).

MICRONAS INTERMETALL presenting High Tech Solutions (9805)

 | Trade News | 9805

This year's Electronica will be the first international event for MICRONAS INTERMETALL to present itself under its new company name. The Freiburg-based semiconductor manufacturer is a leading supplier of mixed signal ICs, automotive controllers, and Hall-effect sensors.

Programmable Hall-effect Sensor Replaces Mechanical Potentiometers and Angle Measuring Devices (9804)

 | Trade News | 9804

MICRONAS INTERMETALL, leading manufacturer of mixed-signal ICs, automotive controllers, and Hall-effect sensors, presents its new linear Hall-effect sensor HAL 800 as a contact-free alternative to mechanical potentiometers and angle measuring devices. The HAL 800 is the worl's first Hall-effect sensor featuring programmable, digital on-chip signal processing which permits matching to different applications and systems, as well as automatic, electronic in-line adjustment.

Broadcast PC Package Now Available for Windows 95 Systems (9801)

 | Trade News | 9801

Manufacturers of PCs, graphics cards, video and TV tuner cards need wait no longer for Windows 98. At CeBIT'98, MICRONAS INTERMETALL, the leading European provider of advanced video and audio solutions, presented its new hardware and software package, ?MediaCVR? (pronounced ?mediaceiver?), for processing and visualizing TV signals on the PC.