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Micronas Moves Professional Audio Technique of BBE Sound into Consumer Homes (0115)

- Trade News | 0115

Digital implementation leads to improved playback quality and lower price

FREIBURG - August 23, 2001 - Micronas and BBE Sound Inc. have signed a partnership program agreement allowing Micronas to license the sound process algorithms of BBE. Micronas already implements the Sonic MaximizerTM technology of the US company in its DSP-based MSP family of ICs.

The sound process algorithms allow manufacturers to integrate BBE® technology into the audio parts of their instruments at a third of the cost of conventional methods. The first television sets using Micronas' MSP 3411G with integrated BBE Sonic Maximizer will be launched after IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung, Berlin).

"The digital implementation of the Sonic Maximizer illustrates Micronas' continued efficiency and flexibility in providing new solutions for audio products," said Stefan Hepp, marketing manager TV audio and IF at Micronas. "With the highly reputable technology of BBE, especially amongst musicians and professional recording studios, Micronas' ICs are moving professional sound quality deeper into consumers' living rooms."

Since 1985, the BBE sound processing system has been used by the broadcasting, recording, and professional music industries because of the live presence it offers to music and improvements in sound quality. Musicians around the globe already use BBE brand signal processors for their concerts and recording work.

As a partner of the largest manufacturers of consumer appliances worldwide, Micronas continuously enhances the performance of their products by adding new features. The partnership with BBE moves them closer to significantly improved sound quality in consumer audio appliances. Micronas implemented the technology into its multistandard sound processors as part of the DSP-based MSP family used in television sets, video-, DVD and HDD recorders, HiFi systems and similar appliances.

An integrated demodulator and baseband features make these processors ideal for the use in television sets. The MSP family members work with TV standards worldwide without the need for additional programming. Implementing this technology, Micronas has seen this product family gain a market share of nearly 95 percent in some parts of the world.

The highly integrated DSP-based components will provide a significant economic advantage to manufacturers of consumer appliances. Compared to conventional methods that require one chip for the implementation of the BBE technology and some additional passive components, like resistors and capacitors, Micronas' system allows manufacturers to save two thirds of the costs. Another advantage is that without the tolerance and aging effects of resistors and capacitors a much higher playback sound quality is maintained.

"Micronas will continue the implementation of the BBE technology into its products to allow manufacturers of PCs and portable audio players to equip all types of audio products with outstanding sound quality," said Stefan Hepp.
Please visit the BBE website at for more information.

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