Purchasing Philosophy
The success of Micronas to a great extent depends on the performance of our suppliers. Our purchasing department is constantly seeking new, high-performance suppliers who can make an efficient contribution to our superior corporate objective - improving customer satisfaction.
1. Customer satisfaction
Our objectives in Purchasing and Logistics are aimed at satisfying customer requirements. In implementing these objectives, we work with all parties concerned in partnerships, in order to ensure the best combination of function, delivery and costs. The achievement of quality targets is a presupposition.
2. Quality responsibility
We are responsible for the quality of purchased production materials, consumable and invest items, as well as services, and pursue a zero ppm implementation of our targets. We monitor transparently and by standardized measurements of performance.
3. Supplier development
For the procurement of goods and services we need strong innovative suppliers with whom we can interact in an open, fair and long term working relationship.
4. Fairness and transparency
We make purchasing decisions only on the basis of objective and comprehensible criteria. In our choice of suppliers and service providers, and when implementing targets and evaluating supplier performance, we take into account pricing, logistic and qualitative perspectives.
5. Environmental awareness and sustainability
Environmental issues are important to us. They are taken into account when selecting materials with respect to recycling, disposal, packaging, transport and supplier selection. We value environmentally sustainable solutions.
6. Internationalization
We ensure our competitiveness through an internationally orientated systematic sourcing, linked to a global supplier strategy.
7. Market and product orientation
We place an equal value on developing the purchasing market and cooperating in product and customer projects. It is essential that innovative and technically competent suppliers of development services and series products are involved early and systematically in our product development.
We see our Code of Conduct as an integral part of responsible corporate governance.