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TDK는 디커플링 캐페시터가 내장된 외부 자기 영향에 강한 3D HAL® 위치센서를 출시 하였습니다

TDK는 디커플링 캐페시터가 내장된 외부 자기 영향에 강한 3D HAL<sup>®</sup> 위치센서를 출시 하였습니다
HAC_39xy_300dpi.jpg (933.26 KB)
HAC_39xy_72dpi.jpg (58.62 KB)

TDK-Micronas는 지역 유통 파트너로서 matronic를 환영합니다


F.l.t.r.: Timo Knapp (Sales Automotive matronic), Stefan Guarino (Salesmanager matronic), Marcel Hennrich (Director Sales Europe TDK-Micronas), Christel Ritzenthaler (Salesmanager Europe TDK-Micronas), Jochen Knöbel (Application Support matronic), Arthur Eberle (Director matronic), Bernhard Huber (Vice President Sales and Industrial, TDK-Micronas)

Micronas honored with “Quality Excellence Award 2016” from Denso


Koji Arima, President of Denso, presents the Quality Excellence Award 2016 to Wolfgang Bossinger, Vice President Quality at Micronas.

Micronas involved with two development projects of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


ParsiFAL4.0 aims to make production sites and packaging more intelligent through microelectronic sensor systems in thin foils.

Extended Hall Switch series simplifies your way to an ISO 26262 compliant system solution


The first ISO 26262 compliant HAL 15xy Hall Switch series provides superior power consumption, robustness and safety performance and is now available in TO92-UA leaded package.

Micronas and GLYN expand their distribution partnership


Sealed by handshake – the expanded cooperation of Micronas and GLYN
(photo f.l.t.r.: Marcel Hennrich, Micronas Director Sales Europe, Christel Ritzenthaler, Micronas Manager Sales Distribution Europe, Bernhard Huber, Micronas Vice President Sales and Industrial, Glyn Jones, GLYN Managing Director & Owner, Thomas Gerhardt, GLYN Managing Director, Mark Friedrichs, GLYN Product Manager Micronas)