TDK Micronas Visual

Publication of financial figures (Information)

- Investor Events

Ladies and Gentlemen

We are writing with some background information regarding forthcoming changes to our procedures for publication of financial figures.

On July 1, 2005, the new ad hoc publicity directive of the SWX Swiss Exchange enters into force. Financial figures (annual and interim results) are classified in principle as potentially price-sensitive facts and are consequently subject to a reporting requirement in the context of ad hoc publicity.

Being listed on the SWX as well as on the Prime Standard Segment in Frankfurt, Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG is obliged to satisfy the requirements of both exchanges. The German supervisory authority (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, BaFin) explicitly requires that, following the adoption of a pertinent resolution by the responsible organs of the company, an ad hoc disclosure must be made without delay. Against this background, Micronas feels bound to modify its previous practice with regard to publicizing financial figures (viz. at 7.30 am, prior to market opening).

Accordingly, we will in future publicize the key financial figures in an ad hoc disclosure immediately following the meeting of the Board of Directors at which the financial statements are considered, i.e. some days before publication of the full financial reports on the annual and interim results. The dates of publication of the full financial reports are set out, as before, in the company's calendar of events. The telephone conferences will take place, as before, on the date of publication of the full financial reports. The company management will not issue any public statements on the financial figures between the ad hoc disclosure of key figures and publication of the full financial reports.

This procedure will be adopted for the first time in conjunction with the publication of the financial figures for the first half of 2005.

We request that you take note of these changes to our publication procedures and thank you for your understanding.


Zurich, July 1, 2005
Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG

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