Agricultural & Heavy Machinery

TDK-Micronas aims to provide solutions for Agricultural & Heavy Machinery from harvester, tractor, dozer to excavator.

ApplicationSensor TypeDescriptionLinked Products
Rotary sensor2DRotary sensor is applied in Agricultural & Heavy Machinery for angular detection of the actuator. Micronas 2D sensor can be applied in it, with the features of simplified magnetic circuitry design, full 360deg measurement potential and low system cost.HAL 3725
HAL 3726
Pedal sensorLinearGas pedal sensor working together with throttle control system reduces the emission and improves fuel efficiency. Microns linear Hall sensor features programmability, low drift over temperature to reduce the system cost and improve the performance of the pedal sensor.HAL 2425
HAL 835P
JoystickLinear/2DJoystick is widely applied in Agricultural & Heavy Machinery for man–machine interface. Microns linear/ 2D Hall sensor can be built in non-contact joystick for better reliability, and safety-critical fields.HAL 2425
HAL 3725
Cylinder/valve sensorLinear/2DCylinder/valve sensor is used in heavy machinery to monitor the actual position of actuator. Micronas linear and 2 D sensor with features of programmability on sensitivity and offset, are suitable for the measurement of up to 40mmHAL 2425
HAL 3726
Transmission shifterLinear/2DAgricultural & Heavy Machinery requires higher performance of transmission shifter. Linear Hall sensor or 2D Hall sensor with PWM output can be built into Transmission shifter, obtaining the robust signals in harsh environmentHAL 835P
HAL 3726
Fuel level sensorLinear/2DFuel/fluid level sensor is used in Agricultural vehicle. Noncontact Hall effect based fuel level sensor converts the fuel level to the magnet angular position, which is measured by Linear/2D Hall sensors. The noncontact feature will improve the reliability of the system.HAL 835P
HAL 3725