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Micronas Expands 32-Bit MCU Line for Automotive Dashboard and Car Body Electronics Applications (0518)

- Trade News | 0518

"Cockpit Experience" Drives Move to 32-Bit MCUs with Device Lock Security Feature and Expanded Memory

Freiburg, Germany - July 22, 2005 - Micronas, a leading supplier of IC and sensor system solutions for automotive and consumer electronics, has expanded its CDC 32xxG family of controllers with the CDC 3217G and CDC 3257G MCUs. Both chips feature the Device Lock Module, which prevents unauthorized Flash access. Like all members of the family, the new chips integrate the 32-bit ARM7TDMI® RISC processor core to meet the demand for more powerful dashboard and car body electronics that provide an enriched cockpit experience to drivers and passengers alike.

The CDC 3217G expands the high end of the family, with 1 MB of Flash and 32 KB of RAM on chip, plus four CAN Bus controllers. The CDC 3257G extends 32-bit power to lower-cost applications, with 256 KB of Flash, 12 KB of RAM, and two CAN Bus controllers. Both chips include a wide range of other peripherals, including multifunction ports, a special function ROM and a sound generator. Additionally, there are two UARTs, two SPI, two I²C and up to 102 pins of general purpose I/O.

"Volkswagen was the first of several major manufacturers to design in the CDC 32xxG family in several high volume platforms, most recently the newly launched Passat. Continuing this trend, Micronas' CDC 3257G controllers will soon be found in a major US platform. This shows that the worldwide automotive market is ready for, and needs, 32-bit power in driver information and entertainment applications" said Peter Zimmermann, Sales & Market Manager Automotive at Micronas. "These two new devices mean there is a CDC 32xxG family MCU that fits every application." Zimmermann adds that market demand for the Device Lock Module shows how important this feature is. "The 'cockpit experience' is a major part of overall driver satisfaction with a car. Much of that experience is based on sophisticated and creative programming of the dashboard controller. So naturally designers want to prevent unauthorized access."

The CAN Bus controllers in each MCU support all 32 message objects with 512 bytes of dedicated RAM each, and are compliant to the Bosch V2.0B specifications. The rich number of four CAN Bus controller on-chip enables the dashboard controller to work as a gateway controller. Gateways typically process data to and from the engine controller, the radio/multimedia unit and the ABS module. Both devices feature a dedicated module to display information on an LCD panel up to 192 segments (48 x 4) without any additional hardware. The chips operate from a single 5V power supply and can work down to 3.5V, fulfilling the special requirements of automotive manufacturers. They are specified for a temperature range between -40° and +105° C.

The entire Micronas family of automotive microcontrollers features LEAP technology - the Low Emissions Automotive Processor. This technology reduces EMI, resulting in substantial cost savings in the finished design.

Both devices are offered in a 128-pin PQFP and are sampling now. The CDC 3257G is ramping to production now; the CDC 3217G will ramp up later this year. Like all members of the CDC 32xxG family, both devices are fully supported by a wide range of development boards and software tools from Micronas and from third parties.




