TDK Micronas Visual

Micronas supports victims of the floods along the river Elbe (R 0204)

- Trade News | R 0204

Internal fundraising campaign in support of "Neighbours in need" successfully finalized

Freiburg and Munich, 21st October 2002 - The flood disaster along the Elbe caused huge damages. Any kind of help is still bitterly needed and welcome.

In September, Micronas has called upon its approximately 1,500 Freiburg and Munich based employees to raise funds for the victims. The result is now available: 30,000 Euro have been transferred from Micronas to the German Red Cross Organization (DRK). Two thirds of the sum have been contributed by the management. Within its project "Neighbours in need"/Flood 2002 the DRK will make sure that the donation reaches the affected communities directly and without any delay.

In order to facilitate the donation process for the employees, the management implemented the recent modification of the remuneration decree which provides exemption from tax and social security charges of the individually donated amount of the gross salary.

For further information please contact:
DRK-General Secretary Office
Ms. Conny Häusler
Company Donations & Sponsoring
Tel.: 030-85404-168
Fax: 030-85404-6168
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