TDK Micronas Visual

Micronas launches 'green' low-cost picture-in-picture (PIP) single-chip solution with globally compatible feature set for volume market (0414)

- Trade News | 0414

Freiburg, Germany, September 3, 2004 - Micronas (SWX Swiss Exchange: MASN, Frankfurt: MNSN, Prime Standard Segment, TecDAX) launches a new PVP 9390A single-chip picture-in-picture solution meeting the TV manufacturer's demand for a standalone PIP IC solution at a price which is compatible with mid-range and low-end TVs. The PIP single-chip video processor PVP 9390A comes in a lead-free and halogen-free "green" package - taking into account the increasing demands by customers worldwide as well as the directive of the European Parliament for environmentally friendly materials.

The single-chip solution accommodates up to four video sources without the need for an external multiplexer. Those sources can be displayed in single PIP mode anywhere on the screen or in various multi PIP modes for instance as sequentially updated still pictures. The PIP size is user-programmable from half screen and 1/4 zoom down to 1/81.

The PVP 9390A is a cost-effective upgrade for 50Hz and 60Hz CRT single-scan lower-end TVs, for double-scan 100Hz and flat-panel TVs or PC monitors with VGA or SVGA inputs. This is especially useful for multimedia or surveillance camera monitoring and video conferencing systems.

The PVP 9390A single-chip solution can decode and display all versions of the NTSC, PAL and SECAM standards due to an integrated digital multi-standard color decoder. Additionally, a high quality YUV signal, which is typically provided by a DVD player, may be fed to the IC and displayed as a PIP.

The channel rating information is decoded internally; corresponding "adult" or "violent" PIP is scrambled or simply displayed as a black screen. Sophisticated signal filtering ensures high picture quality. The on-screen display of up to five identification characters per PIP, typically used for the display of channel names, is programmable via a general-purpose I²C bus interface. On-chip ADC, DAC, RGB switch, embedded memory and a comprehensive set of connectivity and comfort features allow for the easy and cost-effective integration into existing TV set designs. Compared with conventional solutions, a lower number of additional passive components are required which results in a reduced need for adjustments and logistics and an increase in reliability.

The chip comes in a lead-free and halogen-free MQFP44 "green" package. Advanced CMOS technology yields low power consumption of the IC. Samples are available now and production ramp-up is planned for the second half of 2004.

Micronas offers a PVP9390A add-on module and software environment for easy and quick evaluation and integration enabling a cost-effective upgrade of TV sets. This is especially true for TV sets which are equipped with members of the Micronas VCT 49xyI single-chip processor family.

About Green Products

Semiconductor devices are assembled in plastic packages. These are metal-based chip carriers that have been overmolded with plastic material. Metal fingers lead to the outside of the devices to allow electrical contact to the printed circuit board. Within the last 20 to 30 years, it has become common in the semiconductor industry to add halogen components as a flame retardant to the plastic and to plate the contact fingers with tin-lead finishing material for proper solderability. With respect to environmental aspects Micronas is about to eliminate hazardous substances from its products. 'Green Product' means being both, halogen-free and Pb-free (Pb: chemical symbol for lead, lat. 'plumbum').

Being a leading independent supplier of innovative application-specific semiconductor solutions for consumer and automotive electronics, Micronas is well aware of its environmental responsibility. Avoiding hazardous substances and reducing waste in production and in disposed products have high relevance for Micronas' processes and products. Implementing new environmentally friendly materials for its products is a major field of interest.

This approach is supported by customer requests worldwide, as well as by the "RoHS" directive 2002/95/EG of the European Parliament and of the Council on the 'Restriction of the use of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment'. A large number of countries worldwide are preparing environmental initiatives.




