Current Sensing
These current sensors are developed for high-power DC and AC measurements in automotive and industrial applications. The sensors are based on the TDK TMR or Hall-effect technology, which have already been proven in existing automotive sensor products and are now paving the way for innovative current-sensing applications.
Selection Guide
Please view our selection guide for further information about our products:

Hall Sensor Selection Guide
View online: Selection Guide for Automotive Applications
Download PDF: Selection Guide for Automotive Applications
Current Sensing
CUR 40xy
- TA = -40 to 150 °C
- SOIC8 package
- ASIL-B ready
- Diagnostic functions
- High-accuracy contactless current sensing
- Flexible Multi-Hall-Array for linear or differential sensing
- SPI interface
- Programmable characteristics
HAL 24x
- TJ = −40 to 170 °C
- TO92 package
- Programmable
HAL 2420- 2-point calibration
HAL 2425- 2-point calibration
- 16 setpoints linearization
HAL 2455- 2-point calibration
- 16 setpoints
- PWM output
HAR 24xy
- Dual-Die Hall sensors with in-package redundancy
- TSSOP14 package