


New types of Hall-effect sensors do not measure the absolute magnetic field anymore. So-called direct angle sensors capture the field vector by measuring sine and cosine cmoponents of the magnetic field. This is possible due to the new 3D HAL technology from Micronas. Vertical Hall plates measure the magnetic field cmponents in the chip plane and not the components  perpendicular to the chip surface. These kind of sensors provide angular and position information directly via an output signal proportional to the measured angle or position.

Products by Application

HAL 24xy

Precise robust programmable linear Hall sensors for extended distances measurement

HAL 2850

Linear Hall-Effect Sensors with PWM Bus

HAL 30xy

Fast Stray-Field Robust Motor Position Sensor Family with Analog Output

HAL 37xy

Programmable Hall sensors for rotational or linear position detection based on 3D HAL® technology

HAL 39xy

Programmable 3D Position Sensor Family with Stray-Field Compensation