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MP3 chip set from MICRONAS INTERMETALL enables novel product concepts in consumer electronics (9810)

- Trade News | 9810

Portable music from the Internet

Munich, November 12, 1998 -

At Electronica'98 MICRONAS INTERMETALL  presents a chip set that has what it takes to revolutionize the way music is distributed today. The MP3 chipset, consisting of the audio decompression processor MAS 3507D and the D-A converter circuit DAC 3550A, form the heart of the new portable MP3 play-back units which a number of manufacturers are now launching on the market.

The MP3 player

The fundamental idea behind these new consumer products is based on the international standard for audio data compression, MPEG/Audio Layer 3 (MP3 for short) which achieves the most effective audio compression rates currently available. With MP3, the data stream is reduced to one-twelfth with virtually no perceptible loss of quality.

There are already numerous sites on the Internet which offer MP3-compressed music tracks for downloading (legally) for a small charge. Up to now, this audio data could only be decoded on powerful PCs with suitable software and was only available, therefore, at the PC. The new, lightweight MP3 players, on the other hand, are mobile. They contain a flash memory, i.e., a semiconductor memory on which music from the Internet can be recorded any number of times via the PC and then - as with a Walkman - decompressed in real time and played back wherever required. Thanks to MP3 compression, 64 MB of storage space is sufficient for one hour of CD-quality music.

Semiconductor memories have distinct advantages over opto-mechanical storage media such as the CD in that they require no moving parts, consume less energy and are less expensive. This means that the players themselves can be made available at relatively low prices (a few hundred DM).


The MP3 players of all the available brands are based on the IC concept developed by MICRONAS INTERMETALL  which comprises two highly integrated circuits: the MP3 decoder MAS 3507D and the D-A converter IC DAC 3550A.

The MAS 3507D decompresses in real time the audio data delivered by the storage medium of the MP3 player. The mixed-signal IC has evolved from the worl's first ever single-chip solution for MPEG/Layer 3 decompression which INTERMETALL unveiled back in 1994. Another"relativ" of the MAS 3507D is set to be used in the digital WorldSpace radio receivers.
The DAC 3550A is a D-A converter for analog audio output which has been optimized for this application. Outputs for amplifier and headphones are integrated. The signal processing of the chip set is controlled via an I2C bus.

The chipset supports the product concept described above, but is also suitable for use with terminal devices of different constructional design. For example, a CD can be used in place of the semiconductor memory. In this case, the CD would offer the facility for building up a complete personal music collection on the basis of MP3-compressed tracks.
With their low power consumption, the ICs are specially designed for use in battery-operated equipment.

Standard delivery and available package types

Both ICs are available for delivery, the MAS 3507D in either the 44-pin PLCC or the 44-pin PQFP package, the DAC 3550A in the 44-pin PQFP package.

To support system developers, MICRONAS INTERMETALL  offers a functional and fully documented application board of the product concept described, comprising the MP3 decoder, D-A converter and controller as well as headphones output and amplifier.




