TDK Micronas Visual

Key financial data 2000 (0102)

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Annual profit more than doubled

The Micronas Group, which is listed on the Swiss stock exchange and Frankfurt's Neuer Markt, generated a net profit of CHF 63,5 million for the 2000 business year, more than double the previous year's figure. The return on net sales reached 12,9 percent. Earnings per share were CHF 29.71, up from CHF 13.29 in 1999. Group sales rose by 47,4 percent to CHF 490,3 million, of which CHF 59,5 million were contributed by the"Image and Vide" division acquired in the 4th quarter 2000.

Both our core businesses contributed to the growth in sales. The consumer division reported net sales of CHF 414,3 million, a 57,9 percent increase on the last year. The Automotive Division contributed net sales of CHF 76,0 million, up 8,1 percent.

In the 2000 business year, the rate of earnings growth was even more marked than the one of sales. The net profit for the year of CHF 63,5 million was a 155,7 percent improvement on the last year.

Of the operating profit of CHF 99,5 million, CHF 85,4 million was generated by the consumer division and CHF 16,3 million by the automotive division; other activities accounted for CHF - 2,2 million. The reported operating profit included noncurrent profit of CHF 14,7 million from the sale of participating interest in Micro Analog Systems, Espoo/Finnland, profit from the writeback of reserves for completed restructuring projects and other noncurrent profit. The operational cash flow increased by 12,7 percent to CHF 92,6 million. The capital expenditure was CHF 138,8 million, last year CHF 54,4 million.

At the end of the year 2000, the shareholders' equity of the Micronas Group was CHF 220,4 million, compared with CHF 158,0 million last year. The number of employees rose by around 19 percent to 1466.

The Micronas Group is an international manufacturer of application-specific chip systems in the areas of multimedia, consumer and automotive electronics. The company is listed on the SWX Swiss Stock Exchange and on Frankfurt's Neuer Markt.

The detailed financial statements for 2000 and forecasts for the 2001 business year will be presented on 15 March 2001 in Zurich and on 16 March 2001 in Frankfurt.

Zurich, 19 February 2001 Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG

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