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Two hundred music tracks on one CD (9904)

- Trade News | 9904

MICRONAS INTERMETALL presents chipset for MP3-compatible audio CD players

At CeBIT '99, MICRONAS INTERMETALL presents a new chipset for an audio CD player that can play back MP3-coded CDs, too. This "MP3 chipset", consisting of the signal processor MAS 3507D and the D-A converter IC DAC 3550A, also features inside the now familiar portable MP3 flash players. This makes the MP3 CD player the second audio terminal device in a new generation that is based on the MP3 solution from MICRONAS INTERMETALL.

The pocket-sized music library

It is especially for applications "on the move", for example in-car entertainment, that the MP3 CD player offers an interest-ing alternative to conventional playback equipment. Now, it is no problem at all to have all one's personal favourite tracks constantly to hand - without the expense and inconvenience of a CD changer.

And how do you get MP3 music onto the CD? Well, there are a number of possibilities:

  • Numerous websites on the Internet offer MP3-coded music tracks for downloading. These can then be transferred onto CD-R or CD-RW on the home PC.
  • It is likely that there will soon be providers on the Internet offering to put together personal music collections as a service.
  • In some (Asiatic) countries, recorded MP3 CDs have been available for some time in the retail trade.'
  • One can already obtain MP3 CDs with program clips from certain radio stations (e.g. Deutschlandfunk in Germany).
  • Distribution via the digital telephone line (ISDN) is also possible due to the low data rate (128 kbit/s for CD quality).

This list alone demonstrates that the MP3 standard opens up many new ways of distributing music.


The chipset developed by MICRONAS INTERMETALL represents a universal solution which supports different product concepts. It comprises two highly integrated circuits:

  • The MAS 3507D contains the decoder for the compressed audio data that is delivered from a flash memory, CD or other storage medium.
  • The DAC 3550A is a D-A converter for analog audio output which has been specially optimized for this application. Outputs for amplifier and headphones are integrated.


The signal processing of the chipset is controlled via a I2C bus. With their low power consumption, the ICs are specially designed for use in battery-operated equipment.he MP3 standard opens up many new ways of distributing music.

The MP3 package for systems development

The MAS 3507D and the DAC 3550A are available in the 44-pin QFP package. The "MP3 package" from MICRONAS INTERMETALL is rounded off by a functional and fully documented application board, comprising the decoder, D-A converter and controller with software as well as headphones output and amplifier.

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