TDK Micronas Visual

Micronas Unveils System Solutions to Synchronize Video and Audio in Advanced Flat-Panel TVs (0407)

- Trade News | 0407

Lip-sync functionality overcomes irritating effect of audio played back earlier than video

Freiburg, Germany -April 19, 2004-Micronas today announced a new solution solving the problem of audio information being asynchronous with lip movement on flat panel TVs. The new approach, working with on-chip RAM, delays audio information until it is synchronous with lip movement. Micronas targets the flat-panel TV market as well as home audio applications such as A/V amplifiers or HTiB (home theater in a box) systems used in home theater environments with these new programmable delay lines.

The solution is available in two versions: One is a programmable delay function integrated as an additional feature on the Multistandard Sound Processor family MSP 44/46xyK. The other is a stand-alone audio delay IC, the MAD 4868A. Both replace traditional solutions consisting of two chips, a controller and a stand-alone RAM.

"By addressing lip sync integrated in our TV Audio products and with a stand-alone solution, Micronas reacts on market requirements by providing complete and sophisticated system solutions to its customers," said Stefan Hepp, director marketing consumer audio at Micronas. "As an integrated function in the MSP44/46xyK product family, we enable TV manufacturers to include lip sync just by converting to our pin- and software-compatible latest generation of MSP products. The stand-alone MAD 4868A provides an extension of MSP44/46xyK´s delay capabilities and can be used in all kinds of audio applications."

A TV's lip synchronization was not an issue with traditional CRTs, since video and audio processing took approximately the same time. But advanced TVs with built-in enhanced picture improvement need much more video processing time, as do LCD and plasma displays. Hence, audio processing time must be adjusted to ensure video synchronization with audio.

There are several causes for video processing delay in state-of-the-art flat-panel TVs. In particular advanced flat-panel displays with 30 inch size or larger require sophisticated video processing. Deinterlacing and picture improvement processing needs a certain amount of time, and the LCD or plasma flat-panel displays themselves generate additional delay before the picture appears on the screen. Together, these delays add up to 80 ms or more. Time differences of only 30 ms already interfere with quality viewing according to end users and will not be tolerated. With the Micronas solution, audio can now be adjusted to the video delays in an easy and cost-effective manner.

Within mainstream flat-panel TVs, video delay is relatively moderate. Micronas targets this fast growing market segment with its MSP 44/46xyK chips featuring the new on-chip delay functionality. Delay time can be programmed to up to 80 ms (mono) or 40 ms (stereo). This highly integrated solution reduces chip count, space on the printed circuit board and system cost.

If longer delay times are required, the new MAD 4868A is again the chip of choice, acting as a companion chip to the MS44/46xyK or to any other audio DSP. The configurable delay time in such a setup is between 680 ms (mono) and 85 ms (8 channels, for example 6 channels 5.1 DTS or Dolby Digital and 2 channels for headphone stereo). The MAD 4868A´s I2C programmable delay line features a 32-bit high-resolution mode, supports sampling rates from 5 kHz to 192 kHz and works with very few external passive components.

The MAD 4868A is not only ideally suited for applications in advanced flat-panel TVs but also for audio sets as part of the home theater. Equipped with the MAD 4868A, any audio device can be easily programmed to match exactly the video delay of the flat-panel TV. Thus users can enjoy both the high video quality of their TV/DVD combination and the high-quality multi-channel audio from DVD without any compromises.

The MAD 4868A is available in a QFP 44 package and is priced at US$ 4,30 in high volumes. The MSP 44/46xyK with on-chip delay line are packaged in a variety of QFP packages. In high volumes they will sell for US$ 8 to 15.

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